Senior Care Resources

Improving Mental Health in Seniors

Seniors can often experience massive changes in life that affect their mental health. Helping a loved one stay mentally healthy and happy can often be a challenge. However, it is important to ensure that seniors are getting what they need to live a fulfilled life.

Depression and mood disorders are commonly associated with aging. While this doesn’t mean that your loved one is bound to develop mental health issues, it is certainly something to keep an eye on. Usually, having something to look forward to will give an older person a reason to get out of the house and help them stay mentally active.

Here are some strategies to help seniors improve their mental health.

Take Nature Breaks

Nature is an incredibly powerful mood booster. In fact, there is ongoing research that helps us understand how being in nature can improve our mental health and sharpen cognition. Many studies also say that being in nature or simply viewing images of nature can help reduce stress and boost your mood and memory.

With an older loved one, you can enjoy short walks in the garden or simply sit on a bench outside on a nice day.

Play Word Games or Work on Simple Puzzles

If your senior loved one is able to enjoy games such as Scrabble, work on crossword puzzles, or complete jigsaw puzzles, these are some excellent ways to have fun and boost mental wellbeing at the same time. Choose games that match their abilities to ensure that they truly have fun.

These games can also help greatly to keep your aged loved one mentally active and stave off the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Learn a New Skill or Revisit an Old Talent

Many people enjoy creating art or exploring a hobby, but in the course of life, these enriching activities sometimes get set aside. Old age is the perfect time to revisit them. Whether your senior loved one is starting a brand-new hobby or revisiting an old talent, these activities are an excellent way to keep physically and mentally active. 

Sketching, painting, and sculpting are particularly effective outlets. They can help to improve hand-eye coordination and boost mental health. Music is also an excellent way to lift spirits. 

Maintaining good mental health is essential at any stage of life, but especially for seniors. If you want more information on the services we offer for seniors, such as residential senior care, memory care, and senior home care, get in touch with Premiere Cottages today.

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