
News Article

How to Prepare for and Prevent Heat Stroke in Seniors

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Did you know that heat stroke can actually be deadly in seniors? Well, it’s true! Heat stroke in seniors is a serious risk that you should never ever ignore. 

Older bodies are far less on top of regulating body temperature. This means that in hot weather, seniors are unable to adjust their bodies. However, some seniors may not even recognize that they are overheating until someone else points it out or they get very ill.

On top of this, common medications, such as beta-blockers, and chronic health conditions can make it far harder for the body to respond to heat and regulate itself. Here are three helpful ways to recognize heat stroke to prepare for and prevent heat stroke in seniors.

1. Identify Heat Stroke Symptoms for Effective and Fast Treatment

You should learn how to identify the heat stroke symptoms in order to achieve fast and effective treatment. If your aged loved one begins to show signs of overheating, you will need to evaluate their symptoms and respond immediately for the best outcome.

If you are worried and they are overheating, call 911 or their usual doctor in order to get medical attention asap. In the meantime, you should try to cool them down using a cool towel.

2. Encourage Water Intake and Dress for the Weather

You should always do your best to remind your older adult to drink water all throughout the day.  A body that is adequately hydrated will feel far cooler and be able to regulate temperature better. However, you should avoid water that is too cold as it will often cause cramps.

You should also convince your elderly loved one to wear as little clothing as possible and make their clothes looser. If they feel cold, you can give them a bath towel or light blanket to lay on top of themselves.

3. Stay Cool at Home

In the hotter weather, you should try to keep your house as cool as possible by using block-out curtains to keep the heat and sun out. Since heat rises, you should try to stay on the ground floor of the house and avoid the hotter floors. You should also keep your air conditioning unit on to stay cool.

As said above, heat stroke can be deadly to seniors. That is why it is so important to prepare for and prevent it. Hopefully, with the tips above, you can do exactly that.

Feels Like Home

By | Assisted Living Resources, News Article

When Jose Umana in 2020 opened his fifth residential care home for seniors, all located in Long Beach, it marked the realization of an ambitious lifetime goal he’d made for himself when he first went into business.

“My grandmother was big on goals,” Umana said. “She always said ‘If you don’t set goals, how do you know if you’ve made it?’”

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Jose Umana
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