
Recognizing Signs a Loved One Needs Assisted Living

One of the hardest things in life is watching your loved one’s health and well-being decline. While we all age and eventually require more help, it is never easy to come to terms with this hard part of life. It can be extremely difficult to see someone who was once so independent struggle with seemingly easy tasks.

However, you need to know at what point you need to step in. First of all, you must recognize that every single situation is difficult. It is important that both you and your loved one decide when to make the move to professional forms of senior home care. Giving them the independence to be part of the choice will make it easier.

Here are some signs to help you recognize that your loved one needs this type of care.

Signs Your Loved One Needs Assisted Living

Many seniors prefer to stay in their homes if it is possible, which is completely understandable. After all, it is where they have been comfortable for many years and had control over their lives. However, when they need to move into assisted living, it can be difficult for them to speak up.

Recognizing Signs a Loved One Needs Assisted Living

Sometimes, they may not even realize they need to. Here are some signs to keep an eye out for that may indicate that your loved one needs assisted living:

  • Trouble with routine grooming
  • General neglect of household tasks
  • Isolation
  • Lack of interest
  • Falls
  • Mobility issues
  • Forgetting to turn off appliances
  • Forgetting to lock the door
  • Noticeable cognitive decline
  • Forgetting to take medications
  • Needing reminders 

Questions to Ask Yourself

If you’re still unsure as to whether or not to move your loved one into assisted living, it can be helpful to go over these questions. This will help you in your path to making the right decision. 

  • Can they maintain their home at a basic level?
  • Is there a safety risk to them remaining alone?
  • Is there a health risk to them remaining alone?
  • Are they getting the proper nutrition at home?
  • Would assisted living reduce your loved one’s stress?
  • Do they need more social interaction?
  • Is caregiving affecting your quality of life?

Choosing the Right Facility

When you have finally decided that it is time for assisted living, choosing the right facility is the next thing you must think about. Premiere Cottages is a trustworthy, comfortable, and serene place to find your loved ones the care they need as they age. By helping your loved one find a new place to live, you are giving them a safe life in their golden years.

Read More About Senior Health Care and Assisted Living:

Create a Family Oriented Atmosphere


We emphasize physical and emotional well-being, which includes nutritious home-cooked meals, fun social activities, and round-the-clock care.

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By assisting our residents with housecleaning and daily chores, we free them to pursue fulfilling, independent lives in their spare time.

Senior Care


Every senior deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We listen to the needs of each individual and adjust our services accordingly.

Senior Home Care

Quality of Life

Our goal is the highest possible quality of life for each resident, which includes a peaceful, comfortable, secure home environment.

(818) 606-6136
"We will provide peace of mind to you and loved one. They'll feel like they never left home."
Jose Umana
Jose Umana – Owner & Certified Administrator

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